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Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts

Contact the Prothonotary’s Office

Union County Courthouse
103 S. Second Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Phone: (570) 524-8751
Fax: (570) 524-8628

Diane Miller
Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts

Prothonotary’s Office Staff

Marriage Licenses by Appointment Only
Passport Applications:
M-Th 8:30 am – 3:00 pm.
Friday 8:30am – 2:30pm

For additional information regarding our office policies and procedures please read the following: 

The word “Prothonotary” is a Latin word meaning “First Notary”; dating back to Ecclesiastical Law as being the highest administrator of the Court of Rome and the First Notary. When a case was ready for trial, the Prothonotary would notify the Judges when to appear in Court to try the case. Thus today’s meaning of Prothonotary is “first notary of the Court.” 

The Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts and Orphans’ Court Office is located on the first floor of the Courthouse. The Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts/Clerk of Orphans’ Court is the keeper of the civil, criminal and orphans’ court records for the Court. This office is responsible for filing, recording, storing and distributing official court documents for the three offices. This office also handles marriage licenses and passport applications.

NOTE: The Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, and Orphans’ Court office is not permitted to provide legal advice. If you have a legal question you should contact an attorney.