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Record/Document Filing

Contact the Prothonotary’s Office

Union County Courthouse
103 S. Second Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Phone: (570) 524-8751
Fax: (570) 524-8628

Diane Miller
Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts

Prothonotarys Office Staff

Filings may be mailed or delivered in person. If documents are filed by mail, a self-addressed, stamped envelope shall be included for return copies.

All filing fees are required to paid at the time of filing.

Original filings will be retained by our office. An original filing should include an original “wet” ink signature, and must have a case caption. If a case number has been assigned, it should be included in the caption.

Faxed and emailed documents are not acceptable for filing and will not be filed of record.

Confidential Information Forms – All case filings containing confidential information , as defined by Section 7 of the Public Access Policy for the Unified Justice System of Pennsylvania, shall use and file a Confidential Information Form or Confidential Document Form to comply with the policy. In Union County a Certification of Compliance should be attached to all filings regardless of if a Confidential Information Form or Confidential Document Form has also been attached. Confidential Information Forms and Confidential Document Forms along with more information can be found at