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Public Safety (EMA)

Contact Public Safety

Michelle Dietrich
EMA Director

Julie Erway
Admin Assistant

Phone: (570) 523-3201
Fax: (570)524-8808

Union County Emergency Management is an organizational and management structure, utilizing the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to manage resources and coordinate responsible entities; through planning, training, exercising and public education for pre-disaster to post-disaster mitigation. Union County is a part of the North Central Taskforce which is a seven county regional disaster planning entity. Union County Emergency Management Agency takes an all-hazards approach to community preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation processes through its day to day operations. The Emergency Management Agency is a division of the Union County Office of Public Safety.
Various responsibilities include:

  • Emergency, terrorism and all hazards planning for public and private facilities; such as schools, care facilities, industrial and agriculture; 
  • Response coordination and support during emergency incidents and/or disasters; 
  • Providing information to help the community recover from disasters and guidance through Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP); 
  • Guidance for the mitigation process, which are actions taken before and after an incident to lessen the effects on the community.

Several programs related to Emergency Management provided through grant funding is Citizen Corps, which includes Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), ARES/RACES (Amateur Radio), Community Animal Response Team (CART), and Volunteers Aiding In Disaster (VOAD); Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC); Hazardous Materials/Radiological Response.