Contact the Conservation District
UC Government Center
155 N. 15th St.
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
(570) 524-3860 (P)
(570) 524- 3873(F)
Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Special Projects
Cost share program that provides 80% cost-share for practices that can reduce the impacts of runoff and improve water quality. All watersheds in Union County are eligible.
Contact the Conservation District to see if this program meets your conservation needs.
Contact Cindy Moyer for more information.
319 Grant for Buffalo Creek Watershed Farms and Stream Improvement Program
Improve your operation while helping to improve an impaired stream in the Buffalo Creek Watershed. 75% to 100% cost-share funding available to the landowner for installing agricultural best management practices (BMPs) that benefit water quality such as:
- Manure management systems
- Stream buffers
- Barnyard runoff controls
- Conservation Plan development
- Rotational grazing systems
- Diversions and waterways
- Streambank fencing and crossings
- Nutrient Management Plan development
Contact Greg Bonsall for more information.
Growing Greener Grant: Buffer Easement Program
Funding will pay landowner to install and permanently protect though a conservation easement riparian buffers of 35 feet to 100 feet along agricultural streams as follows:
$3,000 per acre for first tier: allowed to make hay.
$4,000 per acre for second tier: grasses/shrub plantings.
$6,465 for third tier: all tree/ shrub plantings.
Contact Savannah Rhoads for more information.
Ag Land Preservation Program
A competitive conservation easement program which pays landowners the difference between market value and farmland value. The easement places permanent deed restrictions on the property that significantly restrict development on the land. Easement values vary, but the program will only pay 85% of appraised easement value.
Contact Cindy Moyer for more information.