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Contact the County Auditors

Carol Manbeck

Robert Sundin

Donna Gemberling

Phone: (570) 524-8786

Every four years Union County elects three auditors to serve as an independent source of verification of all financial transactions of county officers, the minor judiciary, and county departments and programs. This includes preparing a detailed annual report of the financial condition of the county within the time constraints allowed by law.

It is the auditors responsibility to oversee where and how county funds are spent, looking for discrepancies or the abuse of public funds, and to report on their findings with recommendations to the Court of Common Pleas, the County Commissioners, state government, and public.

Each political party nominates two candidates for Auditor every four years. In the General Election, citizens vote for two candidates and the top three candidates receiving votes are elected. As with the County Commissioners election, this election method insures representation from the two major political parties.